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유석진 강사

담당 과목



- 학사(BA) :

인하대학교 컴퓨터공학과 / 연세대학교 문헌정보학

- 석사(MA):

위스콘신 주립대 (밀워키) University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | 정보학 (Information Studies)

- 박사(PhD): 

위스콘신 주립대 (밀워키) University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | 정보학 (Information Studies)


-2020.11 ~ | 컨설턴트/강사 | AI 프로젝트 멘토링, 직무면접/IT포트폴리오 컨설팅, AI 교육 강사

-2020.08 ~ 2021.12 | UGA (University of Georgia)| 프로젝트 팀원 | 연구 개발

-2018.07 ~ 2018.12 | UWM (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) | 강사 |  강의(Python programming)

-2017.06 ~ 2018.06 | UWM (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) | 티칭 Assistant(TA) | 수업 조교

-2012.06 ~ 2019.06 | UWM (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee) | 리서치 Assistant (RA) | 연구/개발 보조

-2003.03 ~ 2009.04 | LG 전자 ㈜ | 주임 연구원 | 연구 개발

수상 및 대외활동 및 연구실적 및 기타사항 

- You, S., Joo, S., & Katsurai, M. (2022). Data mining topics in the discipline of library and information science: analysis of influential terms and Dirichlet multinomial regression topic model. Aslib Journal of Information Management


- Moore, K. C., Byerley, C., Yoon, H., Joshua, S., Park, M., Valaas, L., Lavender, H., You, S., Gong M., Drimalla, J., Waswa, A., Tasova, H., Musgrave, S., & Yon, A. (2022, April). Using Mathematics Education Research to Design COVID-19 Data Representations. In 2022 Virtual Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2022). AMS..


- Byerley, C., Park, M. S., Yoon, H., Joshua, S., Moore, K., You, S., ... & Gong, M. (2021). Designing quantitative data representations to support people’s understanding of the risk of Covid-19. Information literacy.

- You, S. Park, M. & Joo. S. (2020). Practicability of Ensemble Artificial Neural Network Models for a Classification Task (Journal of Library and Information Studies).


- *You, S. (2020). The Ensemble MeSH-Term Query Expansion Models Using Multiple LDA Topic Models and ANN Classifiers in Health Information Retrieval (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).


- Park, M., Oh, H., & You, S. (2020). Health information seeking among people with multiple chronic conditions: Contextual factors and their associations mined from questions in social media. Library & Information Science Research. 42(3).


- Xie, I., Babu, R., Lee, T. H., Castillo, M. D., You, S., & Hanlon, A. M. (2020). Enhancing usability of digital libraries: Designing help features to support blind and visually impaired users. Information Processing & Management, 57(3), 102110.


- Park, H., You, S., & Wolfram, D. (2018). Informal data citation for data sharing and reuse is more common than formal data citation in biomedical fields. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(11), 1346-1354.


- Wang, P., You, S., Rath, M., & Wolfram, D. (2016). Open Peer Review in Scientific Publishing: A Web Mining Study of PeerJ Authors and Reviewers. Journal of Data and Information Science.


- You, S., Huang, W., & Mu, X. (2015, December). Using Event Identification Algorithm (EIA) to Improve Microblog Retrieval Effectiveness. In 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT) (Vol. 3, pp. 122-125). IEEE.


- Mu, X. & You, S.(2015). UWM-UO @ 2015 Clinical Decision Support Track : QE by Weighted Keywords using PRF. In TREC, 2015.


- You, S., Huang, W., & Mu, X. (2014). UWM-HBUT at TREC 2014 Microblog Track: Using Query Expansion (QE) and Event Identification Algorithm (EIA) to improve microblog retrieval effectiveness. In TREC, 2014.


- You, S., DesArmo, J., Mu, X., Lee, S., & Neal, J. C. (2014, September). Visualized Related Topics (VRT) system for health information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 429-430). IEEE Press.


- You, S., DesArmo, J., Mu, X., & Dimitroff, A. (2014, September). Balancing factors affecting virtual reference services: identified from academic librarians' perspective. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 477-478). IEEE Press.


- You, S., DesArmo, J., & Joo, S. (2013). Measuring happiness of US cities by mining user-generated text in Flickr. com: A pilot analysis. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50(1), 1-4. - Data processing based on JSON/XML using Twitter/Flickr APIs


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